The Best Texture Packs For Minecraft Java Edition

The Best Texture Packs For Minecraft Java Edition In 2022

By Atikha Hasan

Minecraft is one of the most downloaded games with more than 42 million downloads. It’s the second most popular game in 2022. 

It is so because Minecraft is one of the non-violent games with the stimulation of creativity, strategy, and teamwork. 

However, because of the competition in the gaming world, Minecraft has developed its system to be more accessible for any type of device and so the two versions Minecraft Bedrock and Minecraft Java were created.

In this article, we will especially discuss the Minecraft Java edition and the top 5 texture packs for the Minecraft Java edition in 2022.

Minecraft Bedrock and Minecraft Java were created to create a more accessible and interactive sandbox video game for users, and this strategy works very well because many Minecraft users have their own platform to play the game on.

Minecraft Image

Furthermore, the differences between the two editions cause the features of both versions to differ, requiring different types of utilities to play and win the game.

The differences between Minecraft bedrock and Minecraft java edition 

Minecraft has two different editions, and it has a very distinct differentiation between them. Here are the differences between Minecraft bedrock and Minecraft java edition. 

Minecraft Bedrock is an edition for any current non-Java Edition of the game which supports multi-platform such as Minecraft console, mobile, and PC. 

Minecraft bedrock edition also allows you to grab on consoles, mobile devices, and through the  Microsoft Store. 

Minecraft Bedrock Specifications

  • Multi-Platform as you can play this edition on Minecraft console, mobile, and  PC. 
  • Marketplace is a place to buy Add-Ons or Skin packs to change your gameplay experience. 
  • Cross-Play – Bedrock players can play with any other Bedrock player online.
  • It Runs Smooth as Bedrock Edition does not require powerful computers or devices to run and will often run more smoothly than Java Edition. 
  • Bedrock Edition has the option to switch to a controller for movement or touch controls if on a mobile device. 
  • Bedrock Editions are connected to Xbox’s services the online experience is more heavily moderated and parental controls can be finer tuned.

Minecraft Java Edition is a version created for cross-platform play between Windows,  Linux, and macOS. 

It also supports user-created skins and mods, included with the PC  Game Pass. This edition is the original version of Minecraft, purchasable through the Minecraft website.

Minecraft Java Edition specifications

  • You can download any skin online or make your own and upload it to use in the game. 
  • Java Edition will run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. 
  • Download community-made mods to change your gameplay experience. 
  • Resource Intensive – Java Edition requires higher computer specifications to run smoothly. 
  • Java Edition users can only play with other Java users. 
  • There are countless online servers and communities with all kinds of variations and mods to change up the multiplayer experience.

Top 5 Best Texture Packs for Minecraft Java Edition in 2022 

  1. Anemoia 

Anemoia is a texture pack with many important ultimate tools to help the players play the game easier and more comfortably. 

Anemoia has a vivid texture with bold,  cartoony, and cool tines of blue, purple, and green making your map look like an underwater map. 

This pack makes the world surreal with the colorful dogs and of course non-scary alien villagers. 

  1. Mythic 

Mythic texture packs do exactly what their name suggests. It gives you dark fantasy vibes and works well for embracing the grim darkness. 

However, mythic main changes and a focus on NPC mobs and animals are displayed along the way.

  1. Faithful  

The faithful texture pack is the pack for Minecraft players who are faithful to the original version of Minecraft world but need a better resolution. 

This texture makes the world look so much clearer as the bricks look rounder, the trees are fuller and the grass is puffier and obviously, the egg looks smoother in this version. 

  1. Goodvibes 

Goodvibes texture packs are definitely for those who want to make the Minecraft world look like a wonderland. 

Goodvibes offers you a cute, bright, and colorful color palette and many adorable critters reskin. It makes the texture smoother and easier to design. 

  1. Jolicraft 

Jolicraft texture pack is an ancient texture pack for the old players and many texture enthusiasts in the Minecraft world as it has the real definition of how to build your fantasy world which allows you to reflect your happiness. 

Jolicraft has been the safe texture pack for many Minecraft players as it allows the player to express their personal views on their world.


Minecraft Java Edition is one of two Minecraft editions that focus on multi-platform players. It has the best graphics and a more competitive game world because you can play as a group.

However, Minecraft java edition has a plethora of unique texture packs that are used based on the needs of the players, and the top 5 best Minecraft texture packs for Minecraft Java Edition in 2022 are Anemoia, Mythic, Faithful, Goodvibes, and Jolicraft.

The texture pack criteria are based on the comfortability, uniqueness, and functionality of the textures for the Minecraft player.

Learn more about Minecraft and game development through Minecraft at BrightChamps with its specially designed curriculum, which makes learning game development and coding simple for students in Grades 1-12.

BrightChamps also teaches a variety of other programs that assist children in developing a foundation in computer programming through activities, interactive lessons, and other means.

Atikha Hasan


I am a huge computer science enthusiast who enjoys programming. The joy I get from programming I try to spread to others by teaching them and introducing them to the wonderful world of computer science. At BrightChamps, I intend to provide the kids with the best knowledge possible based on my expertise, so that they can become exceptional programmers and future tech leaders. Learn from Me


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