Halloween Based Fun Coding Activities for Kids

Halloween Based Fun Coding Activities for Kids

By Atikha Hasan

In a society where they only applaud effective coding, people hardly ever take into account the effort put in by the programmer to succeed. Nobody ever succeeds naturally. You must work for it, earn it, yearn for it, wait for it, and strive for it while remaining patient. You turn into what people around the world call a champion.

Coding has never been perfected from the beginning. It requires Practice, Persistence, and Patience. 

Because learning to code requires time and work, practice is essential. And committing to practice is one of the efforts. 

To maximize the effects of training, dedication to practicing coding is necessary. Although, it might seem boring to keep practicing, especially if your kid does the same thing repeatedly. Therefore you need to make it fun! 

In order to make the practice fun, you need to be creative and innovative. One of the ways to make the practice fun is by using a theme-based practice. The spooky Halloween is coming and it’s an excellent time for you to make it the theme of the practice. 

Here are the,

7 fun Halloween-based coding activities your kid can do!

  1. Witch Story Halloween Animation 
Halloween Based Fun Coding Activities for Kids

Halloween is known as a spooky and scary story. It’s known for the eerie nuance in celebrating the spooky month. 

Witch Story Halloween will be a good activity for your kids who like stories and animation. These coding activities won’t only be fun because of the fun concept of a witch and the hunter. Still, it’s also challenging for your kids. 

The drawing, concept, and story will help your kids explore their imagination and creativity. This animation can be done with Scratch and It will boost your kid’s understanding of coding with various logic conditions and approaches for the coding concept.

  1. Spooky Forest Game 
Halloween Based Fun Coding Activities for Kids

Spooky Forest games will be good for your kids who like to play games and enjoy the adventure experience. 

The Spooky Forest has an excellent approach to an adventure where your kids can try to make it with Scratch. The scary skeleton that appears randomly while the character is on a mission to collect the red stone will make the experience of learning fun and challenging. The open concept and condition will stimulate your kids’ understanding of the coding as they can try to modify and upgrade the concept as they wish. 

The Halloween spirit they have will help them make the spooky forest much more spooky too!

  1. Trick -and-Treat Game 
Halloween Based Fun Coding Activities for Kids

Halloween games are not limited only to spooky games. It can be something as colorful as candy and chocolate. 

Trick-or-treat games contain vibrant and enjoyable Halloween coding tasks. Trick or treat game is a game your kids can make with Scratch. This game focuses on collecting as much as possible by doing a fun trick and answering tricky Halloween quizzes. The fun concept in trick-or-treat games will help your kids explore their ideas by developing the trick and understanding the logic in quizzes making. 

Halloween is not perfect without the trick and treat, just like learning without practice.

  1. Halloween Dance Party Animation 

Halloween is for a party, and your kids can do it not only in real life but also in Scratch! Halloween Dance Party is an animation your kids can make using block-based coding in Scratch. It has all Halloween themes, such as the spooky pumpkin, dancing skeleton, and others. 

This animation won’t be restricted to the dancing movement. Still, your kids can also explore the concept of making by adding sound and voice to make it more fun. 

This animation will make the practice fun. It won’t only let your kids build the code but also explore their imagination in making the dance party as their wish with the Halloween theme.

  1. Creepy Maze Game 

Making Creepy Maze in Scratch will be the best experience for your kids. The creepy theme for the maze will challenge your kids to make the game won’t only fun and challenging but also one of a kind. 

The chasing witch and the skeleton trick will make the game unpredictable and gain the player’s curiosity. 

The opportunity for your kids to prank or tease other people with a game will make them have other reasons for wanting to make the game. 

As the nature of a mischievous kid, this game will motivate them to keep building the game, unlike a practice but a fun holiday activity. 

  1. Costume Designer Halloween Game 

Kids like to experiment. They like to explore various ideas with no restrictions. A Costume Designer Halloween game will be the best option for them to explore their ideas. It allows them to design their character as their wish and lets them experience the result of their own design. 

It’s great for your artistic kids who like drawing, as it allows them to use Scratch’s drawing editor to illustrate their own characters and parts. After creating the initial character, you will add multiple costumes for each part and click events so players can change between costumes. Check out this example costume designer project, and learn how to design your character. 

  1. Code a Halloween Movie 

Do you want your kids to experience the enjoyment of making a story and let them be acted out with a spoken character? 

If yes, you need to let them try Code a Halloween Movie coding activity. With the use of Text-to-Speech, one of Scratch’s fantastic capabilities. 

This coding activity is entertaining and creative! Your kid can add a text-to-speech block for each line of dialogue and character animations can then be added to create the rest of the video. Try using a unique sprite that you have uploaded or created with the Scratch drawing editor.


Coding has never been perfected from the beginning, It requires Practice, Persistence, and Patience. To maximize the effects of training, dedication to practicing coding is necessary. The spooky Halloween is coming and it’s a great time for you to make it the theme of the practice. 

In this blog we brought you these 7 fun Halloween-based coding activities: 

  1. Witch Story Halloween Animation 
  2. Spooky Forest Game
  3. Trick -and-Treat Game 
  4. Halloween Dance Party Animation
  5. Creepy Maze Game. 
  6. Costume Designer Halloween Game. 
  7. Code a Halloween Movie 

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Why should we practice coding?

Because learning to code requires time and work, practice is essential. And committing to practice is one of the efforts. To maximize the effects of training, dedication to practicing coding is necessary. 

Why is practicing with Halloween-based coding activities a good practice?

One of the ways to make the practice fun is by using a theme-based practice. The spooky Halloween is coming and it’s an excellent time for you to make it the theme of the practice.

What coding activity is good for kids who like adventure games?

The Spooky Forest has an excellent approach to an adventure where your kids can explore thrill.

Atikha Hasan


I am a huge computer science enthusiast who enjoys programming. The joy I get from programming I try to spread to others by teaching them and introducing them to the wonderful world of computer science. At BrightChamps, I intend to provide the kids with the best knowledge possible based on my expertise, so that they can become exceptional programmers and future tech leaders. Learn from Me


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